Revision Methods: Working With a Friend
It has often been said that two heads are better than one. Revision need not be an exception to the age-old saying. Whilst studying with a friend can have its disadvantages, if you set clear ground rules before hand, working as a pair can be fun, effective and rewarding.
Working As Two Individuals
Although it is likely that you will both have attended the same lessons and completed the same homework tasks, as individuals we all think and work in slightly different ways. You may find that your friend took something away from a particular lesson that you did not pick up on. You might find that your companion feels a certain way about an issue and that you completely disagree. These differences are all positive. They provoke discussion and close engagement with the subject matter at hand. In this way, working with another can bring a subject alive. You might even learn without noticing it.Consider suggesting that each of you conducts some sort of research, preliminary revision or note making in advance of your study session. This will ensure that each of you arrives prepared and focused. It also cuts down on the work load, allowing each of you to get the most out of your revision time. Take a moment to notice which revision techniques your friend favours and the manner in which they choose to present information. You may be able to take away ideas to incorporate into your own personal revision.
If you are particularly strong in an area where your friend is a little weaker, take time to talk them through all the relevant facts and issues. Similarly, if your knowledge is a little shaky when it comes to photosynthesis but your friend is a biology expert, ask them to give you a mini-lesson in it. Explaining ideas to each other will help reinforce them for you as individuals, as well as perfecting your communication skills.
Be Imaginative
Try to revise in ways that you are unable to when working on your own, in order to make the most of doubling up. Be sure to test each other frequently. You might also consider staging role plays or acting out ideas and sets of information. You could even stage a mock debate in order to help you get to grips with a scope of arguments.Plan Ahead
Ensure that you have set a specific time, place and location for your revision session. This will encourage you both to stick to your word and it will motivate you to revise. Set a number of ground rules in advance in order to guard against distractions. Consider organising something enjoyable to do as soon as your study session is over, so that you both have a treat to look forward to as a reward for your hard work.With a little forethought, some careful planning and a few ground rules, revising with a friend can be one of the most productive revision methods around. It might not work for you but make a resolution to give it a go at least once.
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